Discovering My Journey into Babywear: From Lockdown to Launch

Discovering My Journey into Babywear: From Lockdown to Launch

Let's rewind four years ago: the UK went into lockdown, and both my galleries were closed. During this uncertain time, I found myself pregnant and facing a whole new world of challenges. With shops shut, I turned to the internet, only to be disappointed by the lack of unisex baby clothing options. As I delved into baby books and blogs, one piece of advice kept popping up: get zip baby grows – you'll thank me later. Bamboo fabrics were also frequently recommended due to their gentle touch, perfect for sensitive skin. Overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information, I thought, "How hard could it be to create my own?"

Boy, was I wrong. The journey was long and overwhelming, filled with countless trials and errors. But here we are, four years later, with three small but mighty baby products, all adorned with my illustrations: a sleepsuit, a bib, and a muslin. These essentials are every new mum's wish list, and if you're a farmer or countryside lover, they are your dream products!

I am SO proud of these creations and the journey it took to bring them to life. Each item reflects my love for the Yorkshire Dales, family, and the comforting embrace of nature. I hope you love them as much as I do.

Love always, Stacey x


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