Celebrating My Hometown: Drawings Inspired by Hawes in The Yorkshire Dales

Celebrating My Hometown: Drawings Inspired by Hawes in The Yorkshire Dales

As I got swept away in family life and found solace in my studio, I've shared very little lately. I must say, it has been so refreshing to take it right back to the beginning and just draw with no pressure.

This year marks my 8th year as a professional artist, and the little girl in me still can't quite believe it. I wanted to quickly use this opportunity to thank you for being here.

As I've grown older and started a family, my affection for my hometown has deepened significantly. I am immensely thankful for the clean air, lush fields, wildlife, and farm life that enrich our lives. My new collection pays tribute to this quaint little town I am fortunate to consider my home.

The Yorkshire Dales is a slice of heaven, and I hope that everyone gets to experience its magic, whether that be in person or through art.


One of my favourite places, ‘Hawes Waterfall’.

I’ve lived in Hawes my whole life and have always had a deep love for water. Do you find yourself drawn to the soothing presence of water too? Whether it’s the calming sounds, the peaceful feelings it brings, or those moments where you just get lost in thought – there’s something truly magical about it, right?

Waterfalls have this special allure as well; their ever-changing flow through the seasons always captures my heart. It can be peacefully quiet on a sunny summer day or roaring mightily in the depths of winter.

Almost every day, I find myself walking past Hawes Waterfall, and there are always people there, enjoying the view. Kids looking for fish, couples capturing moments with selfies, someone enjoying a quiet break, or groups snapping pictures against the stunning backdrop. Standing on the bridge overlooking the waterfall always whisks me back to my childhood. I remember being on my tiptoes trying to peer over the edge, needing a little lift to see the fish, ducks, ducklings, and spotting birds in the bushes.

Now, with a family of my own, we continue this tradition, and it got me thinking about how incredible it is that while time moves forward, this beautiful spot remains largely unchanged. It's a place where countless stories have unfolded and where many have stood before us. It truly symbolises the timeless beauty of nature and the memories we hold dear.

Introducing my second drawing, 'On the Right Path'.

Accompanied by a bit of verse about a well-trodden path connecting Hawes and Gayle:

If tha’s from Hawes or Gayle, tha’s walked this path,
I'll bet, Holidaymakers too, with cameras set.
Spotting butterflies, or bugs in a dance,
Bairns running wild, given half a chance.

Dogs at tha heels, through the stile we squeeze,
Hands clasped tight, soft as a summer's breeze.
Off to work some go, or nip through on a short cut,
Stop to catch thy breath, in life's hectic rut.

Chatter never ends, bright as morning light,
Or silence drapes sorrow, deep into the night.
News of joy just in, steps quicken, eyes gleam,
Off to see a mate, heart light as a dream.

As tha walks this path, whether under sun or moon's glow,
Remember, dear wanderer, tha's on t'right path, 'tis true.

Introducing the final piece of my collection: "Hawes Rush Hour"

This drawing has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember. Picture this: a sea of sheep flowing through the town—a sight you don't witness every day. It's a moment that brings everything to a standstill, even the traffic. People pause to capture photos as the streets fall silent, filled only with the echoing "baa" of the sheep and the rhythmic trot of their feet.

It's a scene that takes us back to days gone by when these Yorkshire streets were bustling with similar sights. This spectacle only graces us a couple of times a year, and when my little boy started taking an interest in farming, it became even more special. Watching him join the ranks and help guide the flock only added to the magic of the moment.

This drawing holds a special place in my heart and my family's too, especially with the added touch of my gallery drawn in.



Through these pieces, I hope to share with you the charm and timeless beauty of Hawes. Each drawing is a tribute to my hometown, capturing the essence of its landscapes, its people, and the small moments that make it such a special place to live and create.

Love always, Stacey x

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